Friday, June 16, 2006

Well this is the day...

This will be our last post before our return from our Jungle Camp summer. We have been putting in long hours to prepare a place for us to live the next four weeks. Right now it sounds like a long time, but I am certain it will go by quickly.

The house is not completely finished. There are quite a few minor things to complete. Jinni wants to add some storage area to the back area, near the kids 'rooms'. I need to finish 'hanging' the back door. I have the front door framed, but it needs some tweaking, too. All in all there is not that much left which seems impossible since the time has been some brief to erect this dwelling.

Jinni will be going on an overnight hike in two weeks. It will be over some of the same beautiful terrain I had the pleasure of seeing. I know she will have a great time. I will be with the kids while she is away, obviously. I am looking forward to some really great quality time with these precious little ones.

As you pray with us, please remember Jinni and the ladies as they are hiking. The families with newborns will be needing some strength and wisdom as they live in the 'jungle' for the next month. Some fathers will be dealing with babies that are still nursing, I remember those days well - grace, real grace during that time was a blessing.

Jinni's Mom, Sister and niece came up for the last few days. It has been great having them here they'been a real blessing - refurbishing the reading lounge chair, hanging out with kids, even playing soccer with some of the staff and their kids! Thank you Lord for sending them our way at this time.

We will be having "Camp Open House" July 8-9, if you are in the area either day is going to be great to have you stop by for a visit!

We are looking to the Lord for wisdom and direction as we enter these summer weeks. We long to know His guiding hand as to where He would have us serve. We are so certain that this is where we should be. How we thank God for His precious promises...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not depend on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall make your path straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

...God had directed us into this preparatory training and we are so thankful that He continues to confirm this is the path for us day by day. We have seen Him use various means to ensure we do not miss a single opportunity to know Him more intimately. His provision for the entire year of training has been the highlight of our knowing His hand on the most intimate areas of our lives. He continues to show us our need of Him for life daily. Our trust in the guiding hand of the LORD continues to be a point of blessing as we see Him exalted in our minds and hearts daily.

Thank you for your continued prayer on our behalf. We can not tell you how much we appreciate the time you take to go to the throne of grace on our behalf. We thank God every time we remember you and your love for us. We can be contacted by regular post while we are in the 'jungle'. If you would like to write us, here's the information:

Roland and Jinni Shafer
313363 Hwy 6 South
Box 707
Durham, ON, Canada
n0g 1r0

We would love to hear from you. We even have stamps to write you back!! In closing I offer you a blessing I love from the Old Testament, found in Numbers 6

"The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually)." Num 6:24-26 AMP

Until July 15th, keep resting in Him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, sure hope you guys enjoy Jungle Camp. It was one of the highlights for me there in Durham. Keep pressing on!