Saturday, July 15, 2006

Home Again - The Lord is SO Faithful

We got home yesterday afternoon 07/14 around 2:30PM with full stomachs! The staff had arranged a bar-b-q on campus at 1:00PM. It went off on schedule, every one of our neighbors had their homes leveled and the trash was offsite.

I wanted to post a video, which will briefly show us pushing over our wall and roof supports, but I have to do it from another post. I have some stills here showing the family breaking apart our stove/oven and some shots of the walls coming down.

Jungle Camp was a wonderful time for our family. We worked through communication troubles, learned new skills, experienced a mock tribal culture study, and had lots of free time with our neighbors.

The most wonderful thing about Jungle Camp was seeing God's hand of faithfulness throughout. Many days and nights of extreme weather, lots of falls, scratches and BUG BITES, all provided opportunity to turn to the Lord for His strength and endurance. We could not have made it through except for His sufficiency. We know many of you prayed for this time with us. We thank God for you and your commitment to our time with Him during this month.

As the Lord continues to direct us we appreciate your sticking with us prayerfully. Our summer will likely be a time of relaxing up here in Canada. Our finances continue to be an amazing story of God's goodness through His church. We thank the known and many anonymous givers who the Lord is using to provide for our missionary education and preparation for field service. God also knows who you are!!

As our schedule for the next training year solidifies we will post it to keep you current with us. More photos of Jungle Camp 2006 should follow as soon as possible...

Love and prayers,
Roland (for the Shafers)

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