Monday, July 31, 2006

New Family photo and Summer update

Sunday, July 30, we had the opportunity to be a part of our church's pictorial directory. We are grateful to have been in town during this important event in our church family's growth. It was fun catching up with some others who were scheduled the same day as we were. Here's one of the photos we picked to save. I think this is the one that will be printed, too.

Our summer is very busy. Jinni has been teaching swimming again so her mornings are tied up meeting and teaching little ones confidence in the water. We thank the Lord for providing a pool at our precious friends, the Thompsons. Their hospitality has been part of why the swimming lessons have gone so well. Of course while mom is teaching others our family of kids has free run of the pool (as long as they aren't interferring) so they are enjoying the Thompson's ministry, too!

God continues to provide for our housing needs in His incredibly perfect timing. This week we are house-sitting for some dear friends and the kids love the fact that there is a dog they can play with. Susan got to feed it first, and told us all the dog's name is 'Oreo'. Last night she made sure she said "Goodnight Oreo" before she went to bed.

Next week we will be house-sitting once again. Not sure if there will be any animals to care for, but if there are the kids will have their fill of them.

1 comment:

Wes and Brenda Dyck said...

What a great looking family =)

Good to hear things are going well for you break time. God is Good... all the time!

See you soon!