Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ten Days and counting down...

The time has certainly whizzed by for us. In just 10 days we will be heading back up to Ontario Canada to begin our final year at the Missions Training Centre there.

We have all been very busy working, swimming, and enjoying the company of friends.

As you think about our return trip, please pray with us. Our Astro van, seems to be gradually dying daily. The starter, you might remember, went out on us as we were leaving Canada a few weks ago. Well now it seems that an exhaust valve is going on the fritz and the engine is running quite rough. One of our dear friends is trying to see if he can get us an engine repair for a reasonable cost - if the poor thing can hold out until then. Jinni is praying for the Lord to deliver something "new" to us.

So we seek the Lord's provision and wisdom while we wait on Him. Thank you for partnering with us before the throne of our Lord. We know that whatever we ask according to His will He hears us, and we are so glad He has commited Himself to that on our behalf.

confidently praying,
Roland (for the family)
2 Cor 4 & 5

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