Sunday, August 27, 2006

School starts tomorrow...

Well tomorrow is Susan's BIG DAY. She will be in Kindergarden starting tomorrow. She is ever so excited. I bet she'll be up at the crack of dawn, dressed and hungry, lathering at the chance to get to school for the first time.

Moriah was the same last year. She was up early and couldn't wait until she had her first day in school. When she got home at days end she was so happy she had gone. Next morning when it was time to get out of bed for school she said to her Mom, "Do we have to do it again?!" That will be etched in our family album of quoteable quotes for years to come.

The boys are ready to head back to classes, too. They have had a few days with their friends since being home. It has been a nice break for them. RJ will be starting grade 10, Elijah grade 5. There will be some new classmates for all three of our returning kids. Some will be children of new adult 1st year students and others will be children of missionaries in for their furlough.

Jinni and I will start our new classes after orientation tomorrow morning. We will take the children to their first day orientation, then ours begins at 845. Culture and Language Acquisition training. It is the hardest year of training we will be going through. We will be pushed to our weakest points many times during this year - something that will benefit us incredibly.

Thank you for your prayers for us as we enter this final year. We are comforted with the knowledge that the body of Christ is united with us before the Throne of Grace. We thankfully remember you in our prayers, too.

resting in Him,
Roland (for the family)

2 Cor 4

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