Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Vehicle Update

Well the old van is definitely struggling to retain life. It is still getting me to work (3.5 miles) and back each day, but it is sounding rougher and running rougher each time I start it up. Our friends have provided a van for Jinni and the children to visit North Carolina this week. Thank you Dedrick Family!!

I have looked at a couple of vans. One was very low-priced (2500.00 + fees) but had no seats in it, it has a NEW transmission and 147,000 miles on the current engine. Another had about 126,000 and was a more expensive (3400.00 + fees) complete package. We do need to be able to add towing ability if it is not already on the van. Neither of these specimens had a towing setup included.

We really are not in a position to buy a thing. The repair costs for our current van would be better invested in a newer used vehicle. We know many of you are praying with us so I am sharing our current status.

Thank you for your continued prayer for our family,
Roland (for the Shafers)
2 Cor 4-5

1 comment:

Norm said...

Hey guys, thanks for posting whats happening with the van, we've been praying for you and look forward to seeing what our amazing God does with this
miss you!