Monday, July 24, 2006

We've Arrived safely

Our trip from Durham, Ontario, Canada has come to its end here in Knoxville, TN - our home.

Thank you, Dad. The Lord used your providing a rebuilt starter to get us here with no further trouble. You were a real blessing to us and we appreciate it.

Rock Mills Fellowship Baptist Church, in Ontario, we thank God for you all, too. Your financial encouragement has been a blessing and enabled us to take this much needed trip. We will have some adventures to share with you when we return after our vacation, so be ready :-)

We are so glad to be here in Knoxville. We have already had the joy of celebrating the Lord together with our home church, West Park Baptist. It is exciting to see how the Lord has grown our church family and to reunite with friends we have not seen for several months. We have been wlecomed as if we have never left and it is soooo sweet to be loved this deeply. Thank you, Lord, and West Park for your part in encouraging us again.

More to come and photos will join future posts, to be sure.

Roland (for the family)
2 Corinthians 5:11-19

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