Sunday, June 11, 2006

Today - Day 6!

Six straight days of building our Jungle Camp residence. days.We have worked hard these past six It has been a great learning experience. We have had the chance to work with others and learn some nifty ideas for those we've been able to ask questions of. The most wonderful time each day has been the times we've spent before starting our work. We've gathered in a few different places just to pray with those of us who are there early. It has brought most of us closer together, knowing the things we are most concerned about others are willing to pray with us about.

We have been able to enlist the help of the kids to some degree. RJ and Elijah have been especially helpful when they stay focused on their individual tasks. They need some coaxing at times and lots of breaks to keep their motivation level up and their thinking machines engaged.

RJ learned quite a bit working with Jinni today. Together they completed adding the shelves to the 'kitchen' area. It was not easy but he was able to get the job done. Elijah helped Jinni with the stove for some time today. The girls played mostly but asked if they could help with the clay. Jinni got out some of her old 'beach glass' so she and the girls could add a decorative touch to the otherwise drab clay of the stove.

I have been hurting for about 10 days, from a soccer injury to the left chest. I am not sure if a rib is bruised or has a slight separation. It has been painful at times and bothersome during the night when I need to sleep. I am counting on some rest Sunday to see if it will heal without the stress of building.

Jinni and the children will be by themselves for three days starting Monday morning. The men are scheduled to hie for three days and two nights on the "BRUCE TRAIL". The entire trip is about 30-35 kilometers. I think that comes out to near 20 miles. I havent been hiking that far for over 25 years. It will be quite a trip to be sure.

Please pray for Jinni while I am away. It is challenging when we are both home caring for our little ones. Please pray she will be able to get some of the needed storage structure built. Pray for RJ and Elijah to be motivated to 'pick-up the slack' and continue to help Jinni. I am going to need some physical strength to make this hike without injury. I could stay back here, if I am in too much pain. That is not my desire, please pray for wisdom to make the right decisions.

Mostly pray that we will continue to see this time as preparation for our serving those who have not heard about the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that the urgency of reaching them would continue to grow as a heart vision within Jinni and I, and that God would emphasize that in the minds of our precious children, too.

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