Sunday, June 11, 2006

These are pictures from Day 5 they show Jinni working like mad to get our stove ready to cook, and heat our bathing water from. She (I helped a little, too, between other projects) lined the cradle with regular dirt and then as you can see she had to mold her way around the entire contraption. The clay is for containing all heat from our fire within the drum structure it is constructed out of. She did a bang-up job, don't you think!?

The last picture in this series is from outside the house. The stove pipe has been added to enable a better burn from the wood. A draft coming over the top of the roof provides a better draw out of the internal combustion chamber. Works incredibly - proven by the many who have done this before us and survived ... :-)
Here is where we will be "bathing". There will eventually be a small bench seat for sitting to dry feet, etc.
One of last year's Jungle Campers built this door and left it behind (some folks leave work for those following) and Jinni inherited it from another family in our Jungle Camp community who couldn't remember how to install it. I didn't either but Jinni asked them for it. So... later the builder of the door came by our place and explained how to get it to work while his wife graciously handed us some treats they had made for all the crews working. Bernd and Hannike Buseman, the builder and his wife are heading back to Germany to have their first child and wait for the Lord's direction as to where they will be serving. We'll miss them
This is the Dining Room area. Bench seating for everyone during meals, with enough table space to seat our whole class (almost). Our dining table is 10'long!

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