Thursday, June 08, 2006

Day 4 - What an awesome Day

Today we moved forward on getting rooms divided, building the support carriage for our Jungle Camp stove, dug refrigerator holes, and then watched the sky break apart with rain followed by a 10-15 minute HAILSTORM!!

That's right I said hailstorm. It was incredible. We looked over the newly installed roof and thanked the Lord for no branches through
it during the HEAVY weather. When the storm passed through again it dumped even more rain and hail so that the hail almost looked like snow piles in some places.

Whew! We were scheduled to have the weekly 3 PM coffee break at our new 'digs' but the storm put the damper on that... temporarily. A fellow rain-soaked citizen was able to get some coffee brewed and delivered to the JC Chapel, another had pre-purchased 2.5 dozen doughnuts which along wih Jinni's homemade Oreo/oatmeal special cookies it turned out to be a great time about 4PM.

Bye Steve and Katrina Marti. We'll continue praying for you as you head to Arizona. Glad to have had the oportunity to get to know you this past year. The sun be at you backs and the wind always fill your sails...

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