Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Everyone hello!,

We have just had a great, long weekend here in Canada. We celebrated with our Canadian brothers and sisters their Thanksgiving Holiday. It was just great. Our friends and suporters, John and Jennie Sholly were able to come up from Jonesville, MI and spend most of the w/e with our family.

We made a trip up to Tobermory, Ontario. It is right on the northern tip of the southern Ontario province, between the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. What a picturesque little town. Lots of sailboats and small businesses to view and admire.

The colors here are just getting pretty, but they won't be lasting long. We have already had a frosty night right at about 33 degrees F - which is aboout 1 degree C. it was really cold this Sunday morning after sucha cold night, but the day warmed up and it turned out to be quite pleasant.


Ben & Ruth said...

One GREAT looking family. Love you guy's!

Outer Banks Brooks said...

Hey guys,
Just checking out the blog, got your e-mail through Lynn today' thanks for the update. stay warm in Canada its a while till spring.
Love and Prayers,
Ron Brooks obxbooks@aol.com