Saturday, October 22, 2005

Missions Conference - Faith Promise for Missions
Rock Mills
Fellowship Baptist Church

     We will be attending the last of the mission emphasis at Rock Mills tomorrow morning. It has been exciting spending time here with this congregation and seeing the missionary team that they are supporting to reach the world.

     They are an excited group of people and are together trusting the Lord for 50K in finances, 1 person or family to join one of the local ministry teams, and 1 family to respond and leave from this church as missionaries. The 50K is to come from their Faith Promise for Missions. They are glad to trust God for this increase in their missions giving.

     Last weekend we had the joy of sharing some of what New Tribes Mission looks like as far as its make up of lives and ministries, with the younger set of children. The kids who attended were from 1-4 grades. They were a lively bunch of kids and we thouroghly enjoyed our time with them. Some of them even tracked along with us as we showed them how everyone is part of the ministry of reaching unreached tribal groups. They were right on the mark when we asked them where the ministry team comes from - "the church" they said. We told them they were right and if the church stops sending the work gets harder for those who have already gone. It was great to share the time with the kids.

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