Monday, October 17, 2005

Prayer for Venezuela - October 2005

Today, Day of Prayer, was another wonderful time of joining together with our fellow classmates and training staff for a time of praying for the work God is doing with New Tribe Missionaries around the world. Each month the NTM Canada staff and student body, set aside a day devoted to prayer.

We spent most of the first hour of the day praying for the field of Venezuela. It was quite a time of emotion, supplication, praise and thanksgiving to God. We were allowed to rehearse the great things which God has accomplished in the almost 60 years that NTM has been serving the tribal peoples of Venezuela. God is worthy of this honor and we were overjoyed to express that honor in prayer to Him.

Some of the training staff have served in Venezuela and have not been able to get back into the country for a few years now. They are concerned for co-workers and the tribal people with whom they have developed relationships. It is painful, too, knowing there are still many of the tribal villagers who need to trust Christ and haven't as yet. With the removal of the missionary teams their chances diminish greatly.

In our time of prayer for Venezuela we never lost sight nor stopped confessing the knowledge that God is still in control and will bring this seemingly troublesome situation to good, to those that love Him and are the called according to His purpose. Even though there are lots of questions and LOTS of lives in turmoil, it was quite a time of praise to our God, who still loves us and still desires the tribal people of Venezuela place their trust in His Son. Someone from every tribe and tongue and nation will be praising God, and the Lamb, someday in glory. We, with our missionary training staff, confirm that God will have His way and many from these tribes will be present in that great and glorious day!

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