Saturday, October 22, 2005

Seasons change - just like God intends

     We've had a quick turn of the weather the past few days. It was 65-70 the beginning of this past week but has dropped to freezing the last two mornings. The trees have now begun in earnest to shed their leaves for the winter. It means the beautiful colors just preceeding this time will be gone quickly. We knew it was coming, well it looks like 'full-on' fall has arrived.

     Snow will soon be around and our children are just itching to get out their sleds and have at the little hills here on camp. If they had their way and could tolerate the coldness, they would be snowbound and down right after classes! They keep talking about making a Frosty the Snowman, sno-cones, and warm chocolate! Their enthusiasm will be contagious I'm sure.


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