Sunday, August 27, 2006

School starts tomorrow...

Well tomorrow is Susan's BIG DAY. She will be in Kindergarden starting tomorrow. She is ever so excited. I bet she'll be up at the crack of dawn, dressed and hungry, lathering at the chance to get to school for the first time.

Moriah was the same last year. She was up early and couldn't wait until she had her first day in school. When she got home at days end she was so happy she had gone. Next morning when it was time to get out of bed for school she said to her Mom, "Do we have to do it again?!" That will be etched in our family album of quoteable quotes for years to come.

The boys are ready to head back to classes, too. They have had a few days with their friends since being home. It has been a nice break for them. RJ will be starting grade 10, Elijah grade 5. There will be some new classmates for all three of our returning kids. Some will be children of new adult 1st year students and others will be children of missionaries in for their furlough.

Jinni and I will start our new classes after orientation tomorrow morning. We will take the children to their first day orientation, then ours begins at 845. Culture and Language Acquisition training. It is the hardest year of training we will be going through. We will be pushed to our weakest points many times during this year - something that will benefit us incredibly.

Thank you for your prayers for us as we enter this final year. We are comforted with the knowledge that the body of Christ is united with us before the Throne of Grace. We thankfully remember you in our prayers, too.

resting in Him,
Roland (for the family)

2 Cor 4

Monday, August 21, 2006

Van Update - We're back in Canada

"Don't make any quick decisions, something might be in the works." That's what I was told Wednesday afternoon about 3PM. Around half an hour later something was in the works.

Those who have been able to follow the story know our 1989 Chevy Astro, which the Lord allowed to faithfully serve us for almost seven years, was moving slowly to its death. The exhaust valve that was 'sticking' continued to worsen so we were sure it was not up to the return trip to Canada.

We were praying for the Lord to direct us to a replacement and I was on the track of one Wednesday about lunch time. I thought I had found it in Statesville, NC. - the thing that was nice about that was Jinni would be able to see it/buy it maybe on her way home from North Carolina where she was visiting her sister. I called her cell phone and found out she was not at her sister's house but about 35 miles away from where the van was sitting! She was able to check it out within the hour of my call. She said it was very nice. The ebay dealer selling it agreed she could come by the next day and drive it away for $3000. So we thought we had the one.

My boss, for my summer job listened as I was speaking to the seller on the phone. When I hung up he said, "Don't make any quick decisions, something might be in the works." Half an hour later I was called in to a conference and told if I could come up with $2500, We would be able to buy a 2002 Windstar from a friend of the company's AND other people would raise the additional $2000, to cover the remainder of the selling price.

Needless to say when I called Jinni and told her we were in shock at what we were being told. We were going to have to buy the other van with borrowed money or our credit card (yeah right) anyway. We knew the Lord was going to have to provide for us to get this kind of money, so we continued to pray for wisdom and patience.

Well I had been given $1000 earlier in the week which would go toward the purchase of a 'new to us' van so I knew it would only be $1500 to come up with. Jinni called me back within the hour and told me her Aunt was giving her a $1000 check that night. We had $2000 before 5PM! less than two hours after we began to trust the Lord for the finances. Just before the day was through I was told the total cost for the van would be nearer 5000 than 4500 and could I come up with the other $500.

Next morning I took a friend to the airport and he 'gave me a tip' for driving him there (in his car). I didn't look at the check he handed me I just bid him farewell and headed into work. When I got in the office - about 8:15 - I pulled out the check and it was for $500! our 2500 was in less than 24 hours later. I got a call around 9AM from another precious brother in Christ who said his family wanted to give us $500 or if we needed, more, to make sure we came up to our 3000. Not even 10AM and The Lord provided all we needed. So I went to tell the guys what the Lord had done.

The news I got was even more sweet! the group of folks who were banding together had collected more that $2600 so we wouldn't need the remaining 500 after all!

I went to the lot, I waited until I was told it would be okay, to pick up the van! I signed the checks over to the lot manager, he gave me lots of paperwork, a temporary license, AND THE KEY!! I drove back to the office with a 2003, Ford Windstar - tow hitch included. WOW Lord, You sure know how to surprise a family.

What a blessing we have experienced, God has used many people to provide this van for us. We know some of those who had a part, but others will remain anonymous to us. Every one of the folks who gave have encouraged us so much. Thank you Lord for every single one and each family that You have used in our lives with this experience.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Vehicle Update

Well the old van is definitely struggling to retain life. It is still getting me to work (3.5 miles) and back each day, but it is sounding rougher and running rougher each time I start it up. Our friends have provided a van for Jinni and the children to visit North Carolina this week. Thank you Dedrick Family!!

I have looked at a couple of vans. One was very low-priced (2500.00 + fees) but had no seats in it, it has a NEW transmission and 147,000 miles on the current engine. Another had about 126,000 and was a more expensive (3400.00 + fees) complete package. We do need to be able to add towing ability if it is not already on the van. Neither of these specimens had a towing setup included.

We really are not in a position to buy a thing. The repair costs for our current van would be better invested in a newer used vehicle. We know many of you are praying with us so I am sharing our current status.

Thank you for your continued prayer for our family,
Roland (for the Shafers)
2 Cor 4-5

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Kids Recent Activities

Our children have been enjoying themselves very much this break. They too have been visiting with old friends at the swimming pool and making new friends during Mom's swimming lessons.

A few days ago they got a chance to do some horseback riding.

I'm not sure if all of them rode on the horse there because it seems the golf cart was popular, too! The tractor looked to be a hit as well...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ten Days and counting down...

The time has certainly whizzed by for us. In just 10 days we will be heading back up to Ontario Canada to begin our final year at the Missions Training Centre there.

We have all been very busy working, swimming, and enjoying the company of friends.

As you think about our return trip, please pray with us. Our Astro van, seems to be gradually dying daily. The starter, you might remember, went out on us as we were leaving Canada a few weks ago. Well now it seems that an exhaust valve is going on the fritz and the engine is running quite rough. One of our dear friends is trying to see if he can get us an engine repair for a reasonable cost - if the poor thing can hold out until then. Jinni is praying for the Lord to deliver something "new" to us.

So we seek the Lord's provision and wisdom while we wait on Him. Thank you for partnering with us before the throne of our Lord. We know that whatever we ask according to His will He hears us, and we are so glad He has commited Himself to that on our behalf.

confidently praying,
Roland (for the family)
2 Cor 4 & 5