Friday, October 28, 2005

Hi: Jinni here. I got a funny one from my Mom. Check it out.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

A few more Pics from Seasons Change...

(Fiery Maple Leafs on Campus)
Frost on the residential lawns - BRRR!(Frost on the residential lawns - BRRR!)
View of the Valley from Ingalls Falls Sawmill(View of the Valley from Ingalls Falls Sawmill)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Missions Conference - Faith Promise for Missions
Rock Mills
Fellowship Baptist Church

     We will be attending the last of the mission emphasis at Rock Mills tomorrow morning. It has been exciting spending time here with this congregation and seeing the missionary team that they are supporting to reach the world.

     They are an excited group of people and are together trusting the Lord for 50K in finances, 1 person or family to join one of the local ministry teams, and 1 family to respond and leave from this church as missionaries. The 50K is to come from their Faith Promise for Missions. They are glad to trust God for this increase in their missions giving.

     Last weekend we had the joy of sharing some of what New Tribes Mission looks like as far as its make up of lives and ministries, with the younger set of children. The kids who attended were from 1-4 grades. They were a lively bunch of kids and we thouroghly enjoyed our time with them. Some of them even tracked along with us as we showed them how everyone is part of the ministry of reaching unreached tribal groups. They were right on the mark when we asked them where the ministry team comes from - "the church" they said. We told them they were right and if the church stops sending the work gets harder for those who have already gone. It was great to share the time with the kids.
Seasons change - just like God intends

     We've had a quick turn of the weather the past few days. It was 65-70 the beginning of this past week but has dropped to freezing the last two mornings. The trees have now begun in earnest to shed their leaves for the winter. It means the beautiful colors just preceeding this time will be gone quickly. We knew it was coming, well it looks like 'full-on' fall has arrived.

     Snow will soon be around and our children are just itching to get out their sleds and have at the little hills here on camp. If they had their way and could tolerate the coldness, they would be snowbound and down right after classes! They keep talking about making a Frosty the Snowman, sno-cones, and warm chocolate! Their enthusiasm will be contagious I'm sure.


Monday, October 17, 2005

Prayer for Venezuela - October 2005

Today, Day of Prayer, was another wonderful time of joining together with our fellow classmates and training staff for a time of praying for the work God is doing with New Tribe Missionaries around the world. Each month the NTM Canada staff and student body, set aside a day devoted to prayer.

We spent most of the first hour of the day praying for the field of Venezuela. It was quite a time of emotion, supplication, praise and thanksgiving to God. We were allowed to rehearse the great things which God has accomplished in the almost 60 years that NTM has been serving the tribal peoples of Venezuela. God is worthy of this honor and we were overjoyed to express that honor in prayer to Him.

Some of the training staff have served in Venezuela and have not been able to get back into the country for a few years now. They are concerned for co-workers and the tribal people with whom they have developed relationships. It is painful, too, knowing there are still many of the tribal villagers who need to trust Christ and haven't as yet. With the removal of the missionary teams their chances diminish greatly.

In our time of prayer for Venezuela we never lost sight nor stopped confessing the knowledge that God is still in control and will bring this seemingly troublesome situation to good, to those that love Him and are the called according to His purpose. Even though there are lots of questions and LOTS of lives in turmoil, it was quite a time of praise to our God, who still loves us and still desires the tribal people of Venezuela place their trust in His Son. Someone from every tribe and tongue and nation will be praising God, and the Lamb, someday in glory. We, with our missionary training staff, confirm that God will have His way and many from these tribes will be present in that great and glorious day!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Everyone hello!,

We have just had a great, long weekend here in Canada. We celebrated with our Canadian brothers and sisters their Thanksgiving Holiday. It was just great. Our friends and suporters, John and Jennie Sholly were able to come up from Jonesville, MI and spend most of the w/e with our family.

We made a trip up to Tobermory, Ontario. It is right on the northern tip of the southern Ontario province, between the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. What a picturesque little town. Lots of sailboats and small businesses to view and admire.

The colors here are just getting pretty, but they won't be lasting long. We have already had a frosty night right at about 33 degrees F - which is aboout 1 degree C. it was really cold this Sunday morning after sucha cold night, but the day warmed up and it turned out to be quite pleasant.