Saturday, October 14, 2006

Snow's Coming - Praise the LORD!

This weekend we just got a small taste of the coming of Winter. We had a few light flurries, some stuck to our van for a little while, and then we had some rain mixed with snow and sleet to wash things all away again. Just a little taste of the winter that is coming.

To be sure, the staff here continues to let us know that it is really "too early" for this to be anything like winter. They have not, however, said anything about it being an easier winter or a shorter winter than last year. So it may be that winter WILL arrive early and stay just as late as it usually does.

What a comfort to know that God will continue to be with us through the entire time. Facing a winter without God is hardly imaginable to me anymore. It has only been a short time of developing this relationship with the God, but it continues to bless me daily. Since I came to trust what God has made plain in the Scriptures, my life has been a journey of amazement and encouragement, even when times have been difficult. So I would not dream of facing a winter without God again, ever!

One of the passages in the Bible that reminds me of how knowing God is a blessing, comes from the first letter written by Peter. In chapter five the Apostle writes to encourage those who believe as he says 'casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you 1Peter 5:7' - reminding them that God is the one who will raise up someone who is humbled in His company and HE CARES DEEPLY for everyone. The companionship with the Almighty, a privilege of every believer, is a blessing I do not take lightly especially because He cares for me.

The coming of winter reminds me of the wonder which lies ahead, the account of the miraculous, a witness of the depth of God's caring, the testimony of truest humility ever expressed in humanity...The Birth of the Christ. Winter's approach is the catalyst for me to once again to reflect, with amazement, on what God has done to ensure I would know Him...WOW!

Snow's coming - - -> PRAISE THE LORD!

Roland(for the family)
2 Corinthians 4-5

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