Thursday, October 19, 2006

Feeling busy? Yes we know the feeling. We are in the CLA training mode now, having just finished the first stage of phonetics and grammar. Learning another language may seem impossible to some, but when God mixed up all the languages, He kept them sensical to the ones speaking them. Does that make sense? They DO break down, you can notice patterns, it is NOT impossible. A little hard and frustrating maybe, but if everything was easy, we wouldn't need God would we? Hmmm.

So now it's CLA...Culture and Language Acquistion. We are discovering that if you really want to learn another language, it is imperative to try to understand and learn the culture...which of course you do by getting to know the people. Hence, all the focus on relationships! For example, some missionaries in Africa really wanted to get to know the Kenyan people. So what would YOU do? Invite them for dinner maybe? SOunds good to me. Everyone loves to be invited over.....well do they? What is the goal here? Friendship, right? Well, the way Kenya people make friends is, they show up at your doorstep. "Hi, we're here!" Awkward? To you maybe. How willing our we to step out of our comfort zone to get to know people? To experience something different. To find out what makes people who are different than us tick?

Yesterday, all the first and second year aldies and staff went on an "outing" to Barrie. Check out a map if you don't know where that is...I don't either. We went to a glow-in-the-dark putt-putt golf place first and then to a mall and dinner. Here are some highlights.

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