Wednesday, August 15, 2007

You must evacuate!
next to our home
Pounding on the neighbor's door drove her to open our own. A frightened and profusely sweating police officer beckoned us - "You must evacuate this building immediately". Can I get something for my kids?, "there is not time you must leave right now".

As we quickly directed our sons and daughters out the door of our new home, we had no idea what would meet our confused minds. At the base of our first flight we were greeted by a very loud crackling sound. To our left, about 30 feet away the building next door was ablaze, with 15 foot flames lapping at the roofline and out into the nature walk. I turned our now terribly frightened daughters down the rest of the staircase and headed them out toward the fishing pond away from the fire - all the while their cries tearing at my heart "What's happening Daddy?!" "Will our house catch on fire?" "Will we catch on fire Daddy?"
center breeze way
We were directed to move from there and get into the parking lot, which we did without any further hesitation. I had to carry my girls, they were crying deeply and were to frightened to move. As we made it out we were met by a huge fire truck being emptied of its hoses by several firefighters. We moved past them quickly and went to sit on the grass where we could not help but see our neighbors homes going up in tremendous billows of smoke and flames.

My daughters now began weeping and wailing about our neighbors, was anybody hurt, was anybody in there, was anyone going to die in there, will the firemen be able to help them, they are losing everything aren't they?

The questions and tears flowed like the water from the hydrant being called into service right in front of us.

So even as they asked I told them we will pray for these things, all these things. And with every question I was able to, I prayed in their ears, asking our Father, and theirs, to meet the needs and answer each question. We prayed for the fire to go out quickly, the firemen to have strength, for the people to get out without being hurt or killed, for the little kids not to be too sad because they are losing all their toys and more. It was a privilege to pray with them and watch the Lord bring comfort to their hearts as we gave all we could to the Lord, entrusting Him with each answer.

Jinni took several calls from friends, church members, who were hearing about the fire in our condo/apartment neighborhood. They prayed with us, too. We did not see any groups gathered in prayer anywhere else, but we weren't really looking for that - we were in shock over what we were seeing like everyone who lived there.

It seemed there were many people with cameras around, taking pictures. We didn't have our camera, so we have no pictures to post of the flames, but these are a few of the aftermath - two days later and a couple more I took today.

We thank the Lord none of our neighbors died and there was not a serious physical injury to anyone. These 20 units, now leveled by flames and water, remind us that a day will come where no evacuation will be available. The warning has been delivered.


Anonymous said...

wow! PTL no one was hurt! I'll be praying for you guys!

Tim said...

Thankfully no one was hurt, God bless
The LaMontagnes

Wes and Brenda Dyck said...

I'm so glad you guys and your neighbors are ok. That is a very frightening thing to go through. We pray the Lord will continue to give you rest and peace in the days ahead.

Julie Arnold said...

Wow, that's a scary story...and yet so cool that you were able to direct the kids (and yourselves!) to God even in the midst of the drama and fear.

Glad to hear you guys found a place (and that it's still standing!)!

Say hi to your family for me...miss you guys!
