Monday, April 09, 2007

"I wanna be a teacher, or a Dobu leader"

One of the joys of parenting is being a part of our children's growing understanding of the Lord and how He directs our lives. While Jinni and I are in classes we try to keep the kids aware of what we are doing. We have been sharing what we are learning from the Dobu tribal simulation we are involved in. We also talk about how we are nearing the end of this phase of God's preparing us for missionary service.

Each of our kids is getting prepared for the last day of our time here in Canada.

RJ is looking forward to a summer in TN with his friends and the coming school year with them. He has not been in school with any of his (TN) friends since we left for New Tribes Bible Institute almost 4 years ago. He is ready to have their company again and face the challenge of the 11th grade with them.

Elijah, while making occasional mention of summer in TN, is focused on the immediate, right now. Not a bad place to be, really. He and RJ are invited to compete in the ACSI chess tournament this coming Thursday. The school has encouraged them to attend and enjoy the depth of competition they'll face. Elijah
has been playing me (Roland) in order to prepare himself. I am honored that he thinks I am that stiff of a competitor, He has beaten me, severly already. Maybe he feels ready. He is also attending a field trip with this class, his second trip, to Medieval Times. He enjoyed it so much he is excited to be going once again. He talks about these events alot.

Moriah talks about her friends, some. She especially looks forward to visiting with our old dog, Midnight. She took it hard when we had to leave him in TN to come to NTM training. We did get to visit with his new owner and Midnight two summers ago. It was hard once more for her to part company with him. I'll bet it will be the hardest for her to breakaway from here, when it is time to finally say good-bye. She and Susan are ready to play the summer away at a swimming pool somewhere. Moriah is working hard to prepare for the coming "olympics" on campus. It is called Field Day. She had quite a time last year and will surely enjoy it this time.

Susan Grace. She is the winner. She has worked out most of her summer plans playing at Gulfwood pool, visiting with Midnight, and spending LOTS of time with her friends Terra and Autumn Ryan. She has made sure we know she would like to have a nice party in TN for her next birthday. She has even told us what she wants to be when she grows up. She was pretty clear with Jinni, just yesterday in fact. When she grows up she wants to be a teacher or a Dobu leader.

As I said it is a joy to be a part of each kid's growing understanding. Susan seems to have focused on Mom's and Dad's experiences and has decided being a teacher or a Dobu leader would be the best God has for her. She is really precious, as are each of the others.

We are drawing near the close of our training time in Canada. We have lots of plans to make and need the Lord's wisdom in each decision. As you remember us in prayer, we would appreciate knowing you are asking with us for these needs. The Shafers are so thankful that the Lord has you lifting us before Him in your times of prayer. We appreciate each of you. It is our privilege to pray for you, each time the Lord brings you to mind.

June 2nd is our graduation date. Pray we will have the strength to stay the course and finish this phase well. Thank you again for your encouragement and support. Looking forward to hearing from you.

serving in Him,
Roland & Jinni Shafer family

p.s. skype us when you can:
we64jesus (Jinni)
-- or --
rs4jesus (Roland)

1 comment:

Whatleys' World said...

That is JUST the greatest!!!! :) Go Susan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad that the kids are doing so well. It has been a privilege to be your Dobu Consultant. :) hee hee hee