Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas without snow, maybe - but not without Hope

Amazing but true. We are without snow on the ground here. It has been kinda muggy with an overall drab-gray most days since Christmas break began. The temps are up for this time of year, too, in the high 30's to middle 40's. It is practically a heat wave as we begin the winter months. Of course, the weather can change in a moment because we don't know which way it will decide to blow next.

Just about every one of us has been hit by the winter bug. Coughing, sneezing, fever, sound familiar to you? We know we aren't the only ones who are going through it. Being sick has a way of making things look somewhat worse at times, too. When I am ill I find it one of the best times to look for ways to remember God's goodness, otherwise the glum appears to be the 'forever norm'.

This year we have again seen the care for our family, friends, and fellow classmates that God alone could provide. We know He has chosen to use people to bring about the bearing out of that care, so we give the Lord thanks for using many folks to remind us of His intimate involvement in life's circumstances.

We have gone through this year seeing our training fill us with an even greater desire to see the unreached hear the powerful proclamation of God's Word, the truth of His redemption plan. Our hearts are filled with wonder and awe that God, Who created and sustains all things, would decide to take our family to be a part of His incredible gospel 'delivery system' and use us all somewhere - so that the unbelieving might be believing because they finally get to hear His message. We thank the Lord that your, calls, prayers and correspondence have been a part of encouraging us to persevere and complete this portion of our preparation to get to that place.

With only a few hours left before we retell the First Christmas testimonies, the Shafers together wish every one of you a holiday you will treasure. May the focus of your attention be drawn, as ours continues to be drawn, to the One, Jesus Christ, Who has been given to us, for us. May the memories of God's supply, the gift of the ages, give you a heart full of reasons to rejoice. May the Holy Spirit's ministry to you, meet you right where you are and show you God, for all He is. May your home be filled with a greater understanding of God's desire for all people to know Him. May you celebrate that this year, there are individuals who are commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ for the very first time - because someone took the time the tell them of God's gift of Hope to the world.

Well perhaps we'll celebrate this Christmas without snow, but because of the coming of the Christ child, we will not celebrate without hope. Merry Christmas!

"And the Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope. God is the one who makes us patient and cheerful. I pray that he will help you live at peace with each other, as you follow Christ. Then all of you together will praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:4-6 CEV)"

Roland (for the Shafers)

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