Thursday, March 02, 2006

"How'd it ever get like this?"

Ever found yourself asking that question, in the heat of a relationship struggle? I usually don't. Most of the time it is afterward when I realize that I don't remember why the dispute or disagreement came to be such a big deal. More often than not I owe apologies for being severe or pouting my way out of a "heavy" discussion.

Our current class lecture series is pertaining to relationships and I think it is timely that I have been reading in Proverbs. God gave such wisdom in that little book about me and the relationships I can have.

Prov 30:32 If thou hast done foolishly in lifting up thyself, or if thou hast thought evil, lay thine hand upon thy mouth.

This passage has clearly addressed my main issue in realtionship struggle - it is a SELF-FOCUSED attitude. When I am content with my position in Christ it is easy to refrain from pridefulness when interacting with others. But let my mind wander into the circumstances or the topic to far and I am completely self-centered. I know the Spirit of God can be quenched when it comes to how I think about and interact with others. I also am assured that God will continue that to which He has committed Himself. His Spirit will seek to remind me of whose responsibility it is to walk in fellowship with Him, so that others will be exposed to the pleasant peaceable spirit which comes from a Spirit-led believer.

I am continually being shown the behavior that is Spirit quenching. I thank God for revealing it to me. I look forward to growing in my dependence on God's Spirit to keep my relationships pure and filled with unity. Thank you for praying for my continued spiritual growth! in Christ... Roland

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