Friday, July 06, 2007

Update, post date, way late... doing great

A month ago our family left for the U.S. and we knew we were needing prayer support. Our arrival was safe and timely, as I posted earlier. We had a lot of unloading to do and storage was the destination. Our precious friends in town, (and NTM representatives) Calvin and Gwen Taylor, have given us the use of their home while we (Jinni really) began the search for a place of our own.

Monday 6/11 began a week of Vacation Bible School ministry at night. Our program ran from 6:00-8:30PM. We had to arrive at 5:30 to prepare for each night's activities and responsibilities.

I was working with the security team. With over 600 kids coming and going around our home church's campus, there are a lot of cars and grown-ups to manage. It is a challenging task, sometimes mildly confrontational, ensuring the parents know we are looking out for the well-being of their kids and everyone else's. The Lord gives wisdom and grace as we communicate and parents understand our hearts.

Jinni and RJ were privileged to be a part of the dramatic side of VBS. They interacted with the kids of all age groups. Their ministry was to present a platform for further discussion about the work of Christ in the lives of the kids attending. There were a couple of nights when the children responded and their teachers had the joy of seeing kids respond to the gospel. I know RJ and Jinni count it a blessing to have had a part in that.

I almost forgot! Elijah, although he was one of the VBS kids, he too got to be a part of the ministry team. He and several other kids were able to 'lead' in the musical portion. They were the examples to follow when the music called for movement - hand clapping, hopping, whatever. He enjoyed that first then went on to be with the kids in his age group.

It was a busy five nights at VBS and a precious time of building more memories for us and the kids.

During the day, Jinni and the kids got to relax mostly. Some friends contacted her about providing swimming lessons for their children. What a sweet joy to have friends call her back again and be a blessing to us. Jinni was able to make arrangements for a swimming pool, through another wonderful family, and planned out the timing for lessons. All the while she was looking into where we would be locating our family.

Our prayers and yours were answered last week. We looked at an apartment/condo about 1/2 mile from church. We began making all the arrangements to move into our 3-bedroom 'condo' and finalized everything on Thursday, 06/28. The building management people allowed us to begin moving in some of our belongings that afternoon. More went in Friday and Saturday. It was a real blessing because we had to be out of storage by the 8th of July. We will be moving the remaining things on Monday the 9th, excitedly!

I have been blessed and privileged to be working for a dear friend and supporter. Each summer, for the past four years, he has provided temporary work for me. This summer has been no different. He has brought me in to help with a project that should take about one more week. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be used of the Lord and be an asset to he and his business. Our family can move in to our new place because the Lord has used this to provide for us once again.

It has not been all work, we have had some fun times as a family already. Two weeks ago all of us got to join a group from church, our adult bible fellowship, and attend a local AA baseball game. The local team is part of the farm club organization for the Chicago Cubs (I think). It was a losing night for the Tennessee Smokies. They struggled on the offensive side of things and only scored one run. Though their defense was working well, defense can not score points in baseball. :-( After the game we got to enjoy a short fireworks display. It was a real treat provided by members of our ABF. We thank God for them giving to us so abundantly.

Since Jinni has been giving swimming lessons again, the kids are able to be in and around the pool almost everyday. Prior to the lessons though they were able to go to one of the local pools as guests of another family from our church. We surely are counting our gifts, loving and caring people, whom the Lord has added to our family because we a part of His family – they are everywhere!

This week we are in Florida. God has allowed us to come down and join in the celebration of family through the outpouring of love shown by Jinni's family. We are so thankful to be able to be with them all. The kids have had the chance to meet some new relatives, whom we have only known by pictures. Jinni and I have marveled at how beautiful and enjoyable these kids are and how they and our own have embraced their newly introduced family. It has been a real treat to watch them interact – telling stories, playing games, chasing down lizards =), etc.

Jinni and have appreciated 'catching up' with everyone. The years have gone by quickly as is normal so this time has been needed and encouraging. Our prayer is that we will be able to visit at least once more before we leave for our field of ministry and are going to trust the Lord for that very thing.

Many of you have been praying with us about the remaining steps we need to make in order to serve the Lord as missionaries. Our steps are always ordered by the Lord, so we are thankful that you are involved with us in this ministry. We have had the chance to meet with the Missions Leadership Team of our home church. It was a great meeting. We got to share about the things we've had the privilege of learning. We also got to talk about our enthusiasm for God's guiding us to look at several fields of ministry with NTM. We shared about our interest in the field of Indonesia and why we are excited about this as our best possibility so far. We were able to answer a few questions and clarify some points about culture and language as it relates to our possible ministry in Indonesia. All in all it was good to know we are in the Lord's hands, as are our MLT leadership and that together we all will trust the Lord as we go forward. So, thank you all again for partnering with us in prayer and please continue to pray for wisdom for all.

enjoying His rest,
Roland (for the family)
2 Cor 3:4-6