Friday, June 08, 2007

We've Arrived - Thank You, LORD!

Our trip south to TN was completed on Wednesday night about 10:30 (finally to a place where we could post an update).

The trailer light problem resolved, with some incredible blessing and time investment by a friend of the NTMC. We received a needed component and I was guided in the installation of everything - which is working without flaw.

We are now at our friends' home while they are out of the country ministering with family in Brazil. We thank the Lord for your prayer for our trip. We thank God for your friendship and ministry to us - everyone of you.

Thank you for your prayers with us as we work out the schedule for meeting with our leadership here in TN.

This coming week we have the joy of participating in the Vacation Bible School program. RJ will get to be a part of the drama, and the rest of will join in wherever we can best be of service. We are excited that many kids will have an opportunity to hear about what Jesus has done for tehm over the next week and that some of them will place their faith in Him, too. Please join with us as we pray for the workers and administrators involved in this VBS ministry. Pray each child will know they have been around God's people because of the love of Christ shown to them.

in christ,
Roland (and the family)
2 Cor 3:4-6

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Departure Delayed

We are not on our way just yet, but we should be leaving Canada by this afternoon. We had hoped to be on the road Monday, however that did not happen.

Packing the last of our belongings has taken a little longer than estimated for one thing. Lighting problems with our homemade cargo trailer has been the biggest slow down.

We thank the Lord for the many who have graciously helped us get this far along the way.

This should be our last post until we arrive in Michigan. Please pray with us that our trailer lighting problem to be resolved, that the remaining packing would go quickly, and that our now delayed arrival in Knoxville would not see any further delays. We thank the Lord that you will be praying alongside us.

in Christ,
Roland (and the family)
2 Cor 3:5-6