Monday, March 05, 2007

Bible Institute visits...

Jackson visit was a great time. Lots of questions which we could give some 'answers' to and others which we could only share personal testimony.

It has been a precious time of bonding with my classmates. I am so glad for this time with them, thank You Lord.

Jinni and the kids left for Missionary Training Center, Durham (NTM Canada) this morning. I have checked the weather and there has been a bit of snowfall since we left last week. I am praying the roads will be open for them to make it back safely.

Our group will leave Wisconsin in less than two days. We have one more chapel with which to provide information to prospective students and one more 'coffee klatch'.

Praying for you, as the Lord brings you to mind. Thank you for yoru continued prayer partnership with us!

in Christ,
Roland (for these Shafers)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Safely in Michigan

We arrived in Michigan safely, checked in with our Bible School hosts, had a pre-presentation meeting and then headed a little further south.

John and Jennie Sholly, a couple who have 'adopted' us, live south of NTBI's Jackson campus, in Jonesville MI. We are privileged to have their company for the next several days and their partnership while we've been training.

We arrived at the Sholly's house, after leaving the Bible Institute, to some wonderful snacks - including chocolate milkshakes!! They will have the kids overnight, splitting boys and girls, probably. Jinni are staying at another home just down the street. Our hosts are the Hoyt family. Ivan and Kim are friends of the Shollys and are preparing to serve a missionaries to Argentina. Their daughter Cristina is home to welcome us while Ivan and Kim are away in Argentina for 5 weeks.

We are looking forward to some busy days ahead. God has blessed us with a praying team who have been partnered with us since we began this journey of missionary preparation. Thank you all! Will try to update again soon. Until then, keep resting!

in Christ,
Roland (for we Shafers)
2 Cor 4-5