Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Traveling South...


Our family is heading down to the U.S. with a group of students who will be sharing at both of the New Tribes Bible Institutes over the next week.

Jinni and I will be together for the trip down to Michigan. On Saturday we will part and I will continue on the trip to Waukesha, Wisconsin. We are going to each Bible Institute campus with the purpose of sharing the training program at New Tribes Mission of Canada.

Pray we will communicate clearly with those whom the Lord is intending to continue on toward the mission fields. Pray for the training staff that has spear-headed this trip. They will be coming along and are sacrificing valuable preparation time. Pray for the team as we travel, that we would be vessels of the Lord as we interact with folks along our trip.

Jinni and our kids will be coming back to Canada without me Sunday afternoon. Pray for their safety.

Roland (for we Shafers)
2 Corinthians 4-5

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Rom 5:2 Through Him we also have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice on the hope of the glory of God.
We had the privilege of accompanying two of the trainers at New Tribes, Karen & Shane Whatley, to a church in Cambridge Ontario. We had 90 minutes with 80 or so kids, age range from 4 to 12. God's grace was evident everywhere. Traveling was uneventful, (a blessing as the snow has been quite abundant,) technical challenges were dealt with accordingly, some with better outcomes than others. All in all the team was quite united, the message clear, God was glorified, the kids were challenged and all seemed to have a good time in the process. Karen took many photos that we were hoping to share at the end, but they will see them this Sunday. Maybe a blessing as the "message" will be reinforced. Shane presented a powerful illustration depicting the abundance we have in the "western world" compared to the many living in poverty.

He also made the connection to spiritual resources like the Bible and all we have that goes along with it...various translations, concordances, study notes, videos, music, books, etc, etc, etc. According to Wycliffe, there are 6912 language groups in the world. 422 have the entire Bible. 1,640 have translations in progress. 876 have at least one book. 1,079 have the New Testament only, which leaves 2,529 with no translations started.
Roland did the "New Tribes Card presentation". This demonstrates the need as well as the importance of "teamwork". This required a lot of volunteers to hammer home the point of what a BIG job it is.
RJ, ELijah, Moriah & Susan had their first chance to minister as a team.
They did 3 puppet shows to the tunes of "Rise & Shine", "Be Careful"
& "Stand" (veggie tale). They worked really hard and did an excellent job and the kids loved it...even the "older" ones. RJ & Violet (Jinni) did a short intro to Shane's & Roland's presentations, giving some background info. Jinni led the kids in several songs
between the different events for transitions and energy expenditure... :-) Here she "nabbed" one of the boys in "Love Your neighbor as yourself". We then spent the afternoon with 2 couples from Temple Baptist who were very gracious, fun to be with and they fed us all! What a fun time we had sharing God's heart and His desire for ALL people to be saved! Thanks for your prayers!

Rom 12:6-8 And we have different gifts according to the grace given to us. If the gift is prophecy, that individual must use it in proportion to his faith. If it is service, he must serve; if it is teaching, he must teach; if it is exhortation, he must exhort; if it is contributing, he must do so with sincerity; if it is leadership, he must do so with diligence; if it is showing mercy, he must do so with cheerfulness.