Sunday, January 08, 2006

Back in Canada

We've just had the most wonderful vacation, three weeks of spending time with friends and supporters in the Jackson, Michigan area. Lots of praying, sharing, and of course, hugs all around.

We are glad to be back to our little home here in Canada.
Though our time away was special and needed, it is time to get back and prepare for the beginning of our next semester of training. This semester's courses will prepare us for our "Jungle Camp" experience. We will be going through many technical classes that deal with living in an area of the world where the amineties are limited to our creative ability and God's provision of natural resources.

We will be opening our 2nd semester class of Foundations for Living. We will be leading the class and presenting the attributes of God. The entire class has gone through this curriculum with us already, this will be review for us all. The intention is to alow us the opportunity to speak in front of groups and collaborate on our presentation. I am glad to be working with my wife who is very creative. Please pray with us as we prepare, we can be used of the Lord to "kick-off" the semester with great excitement and enthusiasm.