Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas-God's gift to all the world

We had a blast with the training staff and fellow students last night at our Christmas Party. A time of singing followed by a challenge, a reminder really, about the fact that someone took the time to share the gospel with each of us. Because of those who were faithful we had the joy of gathering and celebrating the greatest miracle in history - the birth of God's Deliverer, the birth of JESUS!

There are 11 new people groups represented in the celebrants this year because of others who have seen the faithfulness of God and joined Him in making sure these folks have heard about the Christ-child who was born, then suffered for them, shed His blood for their sin debt, died for them, and now is risen - coming for them!

Thank You God for Your love and faithfulness, keeping the promise You made that would provide all mankind needed to have intimate fellowship with You, giving us Your cherished and only Son that Christmas just a little over 2000 years ago. Thank You for this Merry Christmas for our new brothers and sisters around the world!